Plastic Panel & Bumper Repairs
Depending on the severity of the bumper damage, we have two repair options:
Plastic Heat Reshaping only Repair
This method of repair generally can be applied if intending to push out or repair dents in plastic bumper and panels without any existing signs of paint cracks or damages. It can even be done as a standalone basic repair at your request. This sort of repair would generally take between 15 -30 minutes. The factors to take into consideration of the repair improvement and quality is the age of the bumper/panel and also the length of time the dent has been present. The newer the bumper and the shorter length of time the dent have been there, the higher the level of repair quality and level of perfection. Our repair quality is generally between 80%-99% improvement.
Plastic Cracks / Splits / Holes / Rips Repairs
This method of repair may include one or more methods of repairs. Most severe damages will involve heat reshaping, plastic welding or heat stapling (depending on material), sanding, flexi filler, priming, base coat coat and finally clear coat. This repair may sound overwhelming but generally would only take between 2-4 hours to complete. The quality of the repair is also determined by the length of time the damage has occurred. The newer the bumper and the shorter length of time the damage have been present, the higher the level of repair quality and level of perfection. Our repair quality on these sort repairs is generally between 75% – 95%.
We will always advise on the repair outcome at time of quoting for you to make an informed decision.